
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Software Quality and Testing – Difference and Example :

Difference between Software Quality and Testing is given below hope it will clear your doubt and definitely increase your knowledge.

For your easiness I am writing the difference in tabular form so that everybody can learn it easily without any doubt.

       Software Quality
                    Software Testing
Software Quality is a subjective term it may definitely vary from person to person.
Testing is not a subjective term it may not vary from person to person.
Quality means customer satisfaction.
Testing means customer expectations.
Software Quality is achieved from testing means testing ensures quality.
Testing is not achieved from quality.
Quality is not an activity to achieve testing.
Testing is an activity done to achieve quality.
Quality means degree of excellence.
Testing means degree of conformance.
In quality code is not executed means it is only achieved.
In testing code is executed means it is only performed not achieved.
In quality we do not have to follow any requirements.
In testing we always have to follow the client requirements.

For example you bought a black pen cost of Rs 5 from the market now you bought the pen because you like its quality because it is good in writing but it is not the surety that your friend also like the same pen which you bought because of some factors like cost of your pen is too low and your friend not likes the low cost things another factor is that pen is not a gel pen and your friend likes the gel pen so that is the reason why quality may vary from person to person, and it is a subjective term.

But testing may not vary from person to person the only thing is vary that how deep you test the application because every person is not same that is why some test the 50% of application and some tried to test it to 80-90% because 100% testing is not possible.

Taking the same example above you bought a black pen now you have to test it so your first step is you write on paper to see whether it is writing black or not and if your friend bought the same black pen from the market than his first step is also same as yours to test whether it is writing black or not. But keep one thing in mind you can test it deeply also so deep testing vary from person to person.


Giving example of pen to clear your doubt on quality and testing and if you think I am wrong than feel free to guide me via comments below. And if you have more point to share than discuss in comments below so that everybody can learn the new things because knowledge is increasing by spreading it.