
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Open Thread

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - Open Thread
Okay, this is a cop-out, but I have been busy and not-in-a-mood-for-writing in the last 2 days. (I don’t know, but I feel a bit low, may be it is all the snow around and constant work due to excel school and day job).
So, let us have an open thread on Excel Shortcuts. I will start by listing down all the excel keyboard shortcuts I use regularly,
  • CTRL+1: open format dialog. I use this to set borders, fills, cell-formats, alignment etc.
  • F4: while editing formulas, to change the type of cell reference from relative to absolute or semi-absolute.
  • F4: to repeat last action, like adding rows or adjusting formats.
  • ALT+ESV : Paste Special > Values only. I use this to paste values alone. Helps me remove formulas, formatting etc.
  • CTRL+Arrow Keys: To navigate to last cell in a row, column, first cell in a row, column. These let me go where I want.
  • F2: Edit a cell, places cursor at the end. Very easy to edit.
  • ALT+Down arrow: Shows a small in-cell drop down with previously entered values, Useful when I am typing some data.
  • CTRL+D: fills down.
  • F9: When debugging formulas, I can select a portion of the formula and press F9 to see the result of that. VERY VERY Useful..
  • SHIFT+F2: Add a comment or Edit comment. Useful to add cell-comments so that my colleagues can take note of certain cells.
  • CTRL+B: Bold a cell’s content. Useful to add emphasis.
  • ALT+EST: Works like format painter
Now your turn…
Please use comments and share the shortcuts you use on regular basis. Let us make this the biggest thread (and page) on excel short cuts…

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