
Friday 5 July 2013

How to Move Email to Specific Folder in Gmail Automatically

You can Move your Incoming mail to Specific folder in Gmail Automatically. its a very useful tip to Gmail user. You can filter Incoming mail and save on Specific folder in which you want . Suppose you to your Computer Networking Subscription mail  come on Specific folder then you can do that .
Follows these steps to Move Email on Specific Folder

1. First Login with your Gmail Account, then Click on Gear button , and then Click Settings .

2. Now to Create Folder, Click on Labels , then scroll down and then Click on Create new lable .

3.  Now type the Lable name and then Click on Create .

4. Now you will see that Facebook label has been created .

5. Now to Move Email to Facebook folder , again Go to Setting and then Click on Filters and then Click on Create a new filter .

6.  Now you have to fill following field .

From- Type Email address from where mail to be come
To - If you want to incoming mail from Facebook go to Separate Email then You can give Saparate       Email address .
Subject - You can Give Subject name, then All mail related that subject will come in that lable .

And then Click on Create filter with this search .

7 . Now Click on Choose label... to Select Label in which you want to Specific Email. Select Facebook Label , then Click on Also apply filter to 0 matching conversations and then Click on Create Filter .

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