Time: 2030hrs IST
Mission: To test the website http://www.vischeck.com/vischeck/vischeckURL.php and find bugs.
Time Limit: 2030hrs to 2100hrs IST.
2100hrs to 2130hrs IST: Discussion of bugs.
2130hrs to 2200hrs IST: Prepare the blog post.
Testers: Ajay Balamurugadas and Parimala Shankaraiah
Browser: Google Chrome v2.0.172.37
First I planned to collect some colorblind images.
Googled 'color blind images' for Images.
* Entered the URL in the Google Chrome address bar and pressed enter key.
Webpage was loaded.
* Clicked on 'Run Vischeck!' button without entering any URL. A pop up appeared. Ok, Test passed.
* Entered some random characters in the URL field. Error message was displayed.
"There seemed to be a problem with that URL- please try another."
Hmmm, nice message but the URL displayed: "http://vischeck.com/vischeck/vischeckURL.php?error=There+seemed+to+be+a+problem+with+that+URL-+please+try+another."
* I wanted to check what would happen if I typed some custom error. So, I replaced the text 'There+seemed+to+be+a+problem+with+that+URL-+please+try+another.'
with some text and the new text was displayed on the webpage. This
seemed to a major security vulnerability as a coder/hacker might take
advantage of this.
* My first Test URL with a valid colorblind image: 'http://brainden.com/images/color-blindness-test-4.jpg'. Clicked on 'Run Vischeck!'
Following text and hyperlinks were displayed.
* Clicked on the image link to open in a new window: Opened the same image.
Clicked on the 'Deuteranope simulation' link to open in a new window:
The URL of the webpage was: http://vischeck.homeip.net/uploads/124914450524078/
* This gave me idea to change the number after the uploads/. I typed some random number. File not found 404 error was displayed.
* Removed the number part of the URL http://vischeck.homeip.net/uploads/124914450524078/ and pressed enter key.
Then clicked on some of those folders and some random files were displayed.
* Appended '/?', '/', '?', error=.
Sometimes, only some part of the webpage was displayed.
* Also googled for large size images and tested them.
End of Testing. Time 2106hrs IST.
What could have been better:
I feel lot of time was wasted on testing the "Append text after error=".
Please feel free to comment, critique, suggest, question, discuss.
This is just the first report and intentionally titled Part 1.
More to follow...
Please find the report uploaded at http://tinyurl.com/ll78n5. The report is intentionally left as it is without any modifications.
Please find my testing partner's report and blog post at : http://curioustester.blogspot.com/2009/08/paired-testing-at-distance-part-1.html
My special thanks to Parimala. :)
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